Sunday Morning 8:00am Service
“The Most Important Work on Earth”
Reading of the Scripture: Matthew 28:16-20
3 Key Ways Johnson Ferry Baptist Church became a Great Commission
1. Giving
2. Prayer
3. Sending and Going
I. Another appearance of Jesus after his resurrection (Matt 28:16)
A. Biblically, 11 appearances are mentioned
B. The disciples trusted Jesus as Messiah and Lord, and showed it
through obedience.
II. They worshipped him (v. 17-18)
A. To know Jesus is to WORSHIP him (v. 17a)
B. But some were doubtful (v. 17b)
C. Verse 18 confirms that the disciples need reassurance
III. GO (v. 19)
A. The command to go also implies “as you go”
B. Make disciples, not converts
C. Where do we go? All the Nations – Ethnos – People Groups
D. Baptism
IV. Teaching How to Obey (v. 20)
A. The commandments equal scripture
B. The teaching must be applicable to everyday life
C. True disciples make disciples
V. This is the Most Important Work on the Face of the Earth
A. Your personal role?
B. The role of Southern Hills?
C. The role of Send Relief?